Source code for easygui.boxes.text_box


.. moduleauthor:: easygui developers and Stephen Raymond Ferg
.. default-domain:: py
.. highlight:: python

Version |release|

import sys

    from . import global_state
except (SystemError, ValueError, ImportError):
    import global_state

    import tkinter as tk  # python 3
    import tkinter.font as tk_Font
    import Tkinter as tk  # python 2
    import tkFont as tk_Font

def demo_textbox():

def demo_1():

    title = "Demo of textbox: Classic box"

    gnexp = ("This is a demo of the classic textbox call, "
             "you can see it closes when ok is pressed.\n\n")


    text = "Insert your text here\n"

    msg = gnexp + challenge

    finished = False
    while True:

        text = textbox(msg, title, text)
        escaped = not text
        if escaped or finished:

        if text.count("\n") >= 2:
            msg = (u"You did it right! Press OK")
            finished = True
            msg = u"You did it wrong! Try again!\n" + challenge

class Demo2(object):

    """ Program that challenges the user to write 5 a's """

    def __init__(self):
        """ Set and run the program """

        title = "Demo of textbox: Classic box with callback"

        gnexp = ("This is a demo of the textbox with a callback, "
                 "it doesn't flicker!.\n\n")

        msg = "INSERT A TEXT WITH FIVE OR MORE A\'s"

        text_snippet = "Insert your text here"

        self.finished = False

        textbox(gnexp + msg, title, text_snippet, False,
                callback=self.check_answer, run=True)

    def check_answer(self, box):
        """ Callback from TextBox

        box: object
            object containing parameters and methods to communicate with the ui

            its return is through the box object

        if self.finished:

        if box.text.lower().count("a") >= 5:
            box.msg = u"\n\nYou did it right! Press OK button to continue."
            box.msg = u"\n\nMore a's are needed!"

class Demo3(object):

    """ Program that challenges the user to find a typo """

    def __init__(self):
        """ Set and run the program """

        self.finished = False

        title = "Demo of textbox: Object with callback"

        msg = ("This is a demo of the textbox set as "
               "an object with a callback, "
               "you can configure it and when you are finished, "
               "you run it.\n\nThere is a typo in it. Find and correct it.")

        text_snippet = "Hello"  # This text wont show

        box = textbox(
            msg, title, text_snippet, False, callback=self.check_answer, run=False)

        box.text = (
            "It was the west of times, and it was the worst of times. "
            "The  rich ate cake, and the poor had cake recommended to them, "
            "but wished only for enough cash to buy bread."
            "The time was ripe for revolution! ")

    def check_answer(self, box):
        """ Callback from TextBox

        box: object
            object containing parameters and methods to communicate with the ui

            its return is through the box object
        if self.finished:

        if "best" in box.text:
            box.msg = u"\n\nYou did right! Press OK button to continue."
            self.finished = True
            box.msg = u"\n\nLook to the west!"

[docs]def textbox(msg="", title=" ", text="", codebox=False, callback=None, run=True): """ Display a message and a text to edit Parameters ---------- msg : string text displayed in the message area (instructions...) title : str the window title text: str, list or tuple text displayed in textAreas (editable) codebox: bool if True, don't wrap and width is set to 80 chars callback: function if set, this function will be called when OK is pressed run: bool if True, a box object will be created and returned, but not run Returns ------- None If cancel is pressed str If OK is pressed returns the contents of textArea """ tb = TextBox(msg=msg, title=title, text=text, codebox=codebox, callback=callback) if not run: return tb else: reply = return reply
class TextBox(object): """ Display a message and a text to edit This object separates user from ui, defines which methods can the user invoke and which properties can he change. It also calls the ui in defined ways, so if other gui library can be used (wx, qt) without breaking anything for the user. """ def __init__(self, msg, title, text, codebox, callback=lambda *args, **kwargs: True): """ Create box object Parameters ---------- msg : string text displayed in the message area (instructions...) title : str the window title text: str, list or tuple text displayed in textAres (editable) codebox: bool if True, don't wrap and width is set to 80 chars callback: function if set, this function will be called when OK is pressed Returns ------- object The box object """ self.callback = callback self.ui = GUItk(msg, title, text, codebox, self.callback_ui) self.text = text def run(self): """ Start the ui """ self.ui = None return self._text def stop(self): """ Stop the ui """ self.ui.stop() def callback_ui(self, ui, command, text): """ This method is executed when ok, cancel, or x is pressed in the ui. """ if command == 'update': # OK was pressed self._text = text if self.callback: # If a callback was set, call main process self.callback(self) else: self.stop() elif command == 'x': self.stop() self._text = None elif command == 'cancel': self.stop() self._text = None # methods to change properties -------------- @property def text(self): """Text in text Area""" return self._text @text.setter def text(self, text): self._text = self.to_string(text) self.ui.set_text(self._text) @text.deleter def text(self): self._text = "" self.ui.set_text(self._text) @property def msg(self): """Text in msg Area""" return self._msg @msg.setter def msg(self, msg): self._msg = self.to_string(msg) self.ui.set_msg(self._msg) @msg.deleter def msg(self): self._msg = "" self.ui.set_msg(self._msg) # Methods to validate what will be sent to ui --------- def to_string(self, something): try: basestring # python 2 except NameError: basestring = str # Python 3 if isinstance(something, basestring): return something try: text = "".join(something) # convert a list or a tuple to a string except: textbox( "Exception when trying to convert {} to text in self.textArea" .format(type(something))) sys.exit(16) return text class GUItk(object): """ This is the object that contains the tk root object""" def __init__(self, msg, title, text, codebox, callback): """ Create ui object Parameters ---------- msg : string text displayed in the message area (instructions...) title : str the window title text: str, list or tuple text displayed in textAres (editable) codebox: bool if True, don't wrap, and width is set to 80 chars callback: function if set, this function will be called when OK is pressed Returns ------- object The ui object """ self.callback = callback self.boxRoot = tk.Tk() # self.boxFont = tk_Font.Font( # family=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_FAMILY, # size=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_SIZE) wrap_text = not codebox if wrap_text: self.boxFont = tk_Font.nametofont("TkTextFont") self.width_in_chars = global_state.prop_font_line_length else: self.boxFont = tk_Font.nametofont("TkFixedFont") self.width_in_chars = global_state.fixw_font_line_length # default_font.configure(size=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_SIZE) self.configure_root(title) self.create_msg_widget(msg) self.create_text_area(wrap_text) self.create_buttons_frame() self.create_cancel_button() self.create_ok_button() # Run and stop methods --------------------------------------- def run(self): self.boxRoot.mainloop() self.boxRoot.destroy() def stop(self): # Get the current position before quitting self.get_pos() self.boxRoot.quit() # Methods to change content --------------------------------------- def set_msg(self, msg): self.messageArea.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.messageArea.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.messageArea.insert(tk.END, msg) self.messageArea.config(state=tk.DISABLED) # Adjust msg height self.messageArea.update() numlines = self.get_num_lines(self.messageArea) self.set_msg_height(numlines) self.messageArea.update() def set_msg_height(self, numlines): self.messageArea.configure(height=numlines) def get_num_lines(self, widget): end_position = widget.index(tk.END) # '4.0' end_line = end_position.split('.')[0] # 4 return int(end_line) + 1 # 5 def set_text(self, text): self.textArea.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.textArea.insert(tk.END, text, "normal") self.textArea.focus() def set_pos(self, pos): self.boxRoot.geometry(pos) def get_pos(self): # The geometry() method sets a size for the window and positions it on # the screen. The first two parameters are width and height of # the window. The last two parameters are x and y screen coordinates. # geometry("250x150+300+300") geom = self.boxRoot.geometry() # "628x672+300+200" global_state.window_position = '+' + geom.split('+', 1)[1] def get_text(self): return self.textArea.get(0.0, 'end-1c') # Methods executing when a key is pressed ------------------------------- def x_pressed(self): self.callback(self, command='x', text=self.get_text()) def cancel_pressed(self, event): self.callback(self, command='cancel', text=self.get_text()) def ok_button_pressed(self, event): self.callback(self, command='update', text=self.get_text()) # Auxiliary methods ----------------------------------------------- def calc_character_width(self): char_width = self.boxFont.measure('W') return char_width # Initial configuration methods --------------------------------------- # These ones are just called once, at setting. def configure_root(self, title): self.boxRoot.title(title) self.set_pos(global_state.window_position) # Quit when x button pressed self.boxRoot.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.x_pressed) self.boxRoot.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel_pressed) self.boxRoot.iconname('Dialog') def create_msg_widget(self, msg): if msg is None: msg = "" self.msgFrame = tk.Frame( self.boxRoot, padx=2 * self.calc_character_width(), ) self.messageArea = tk.Text( self.msgFrame, width=self.width_in_chars, state=tk.DISABLED, padx=(global_state.default_hpad_in_chars) * self.calc_character_width(), pady=global_state.default_hpad_in_chars * self.calc_character_width(), wrap=tk.WORD, # The next two make the color of the message area the same than the background relief="flat", background=self.boxRoot.config()["background"][-1], ) self.set_msg(msg) self.msgFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=1, fill='both') self.messageArea.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=1, fill='both') def create_text_area(self, wrap_text): """ Put a textArea in the top frame Put and configure scrollbars """ self.textFrame = tk.Frame( self.boxRoot, padx=2 * self.calc_character_width(), ) self.textFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP) # self.textFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=tk.EW) self.textArea = tk.Text( self.textFrame, padx=global_state.default_hpad_in_chars * self.calc_character_width(), pady=global_state.default_hpad_in_chars * self.calc_character_width(), height=25, # lines width=self.width_in_chars, # chars of the current font ) if wrap_text: self.textArea.configure(wrap=tk.WORD) else: self.textArea.configure(wrap=tk.NONE) # some simple keybindings for scrolling self.boxRoot.bind("<Next>", self.textArea.yview_scroll(1, tk.PAGES)) self.boxRoot.bind( "<Prior>", self.textArea.yview_scroll(-1, tk.PAGES)) self.boxRoot.bind("<Right>", self.textArea.xview_scroll(1, tk.PAGES)) self.boxRoot.bind("<Left>", self.textArea.xview_scroll(-1, tk.PAGES)) self.boxRoot.bind("<Down>", self.textArea.yview_scroll(1, tk.UNITS)) self.boxRoot.bind("<Up>", self.textArea.yview_scroll(-1, tk.UNITS)) # add a vertical scrollbar to the frame rightScrollbar = tk.Scrollbar( self.textFrame, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.textArea.yview) self.textArea.configure(yscrollcommand=rightScrollbar.set) # add a horizontal scrollbar to the frame bottomScrollbar = tk.Scrollbar( self.textFrame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.textArea.xview) self.textArea.configure(xscrollcommand=bottomScrollbar.set) # pack the textArea and the scrollbars. Note that although # we must define the textArea first, we must pack it last, # so that the bottomScrollbar will be located properly. # Note that we need a bottom scrollbar only for code. # Text will be displayed with wordwrap, so we don't need to have # a horizontal scroll for it. if not wrap_text: bottomScrollbar.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X) rightScrollbar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) self.textArea.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=tk.YES) def create_buttons_frame(self): self.buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(self.boxRoot, # background="green", ) self.buttonsFrame.pack(side=tk.TOP) def create_cancel_button(self): # put the buttons in the buttonsFrame self.cancelButton = tk.Button( self.buttonsFrame, takefocus=tk.YES, text="Cancel", height=1, width=6) self.cancelButton.pack( expand=tk.NO, side=tk.LEFT, padx='2m', pady='1m', ipady="1m", ipadx="2m") # for the commandButton, bind activation events to the activation event # handler self.cancelButton.bind("<Return>", self.cancel_pressed) self.cancelButton.bind("<Button-1>", self.cancel_pressed) self.cancelButton.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel_pressed) def create_ok_button(self): # put the buttons in the buttonsFrame self.okButton = tk.Button( self.buttonsFrame, takefocus=tk.YES, text="OK", height=1, width=6) self.okButton.pack( expand=tk.NO, side=tk.LEFT, padx='2m', pady='1m', ipady="1m", ipadx="2m") # for the commandButton, bind activation events to the activation event # handler self.okButton.bind("<Return>", self.ok_button_pressed) self.okButton.bind("<Button-1>", self.ok_button_pressed) if __name__ == '__main__': demo_textbox()