Source code for easygui.boxes.button_box


.. moduleauthor:: easygui developers and Stephen Raymond Ferg
.. default-domain:: py
.. highlight:: python

Version |release|

import os
import re

    from . import global_state
    from . import utils as ut
    from .text_box import textbox
except (SystemError, ValueError, ImportError):
    import global_state
    import utils as ut
    from text_box import textbox

    import tkinter as tk  # python 3
    import tkinter.font as tk_Font
except (SystemError, ValueError, ImportError):
    import Tkinter as tk  # python 2
    import tkFont as tk_Font

def demo_buttonbox_1():
    print("hello from the demo")
    value = buttonbox(
        title="First demo",
        choices=["Button[1]", "Button[2]", "Button[3]"],
    print("Return: {}".format(value))

def demo_buttonbox_2():
    package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))  ;# My parent's directory
    images = list()
    images.append(os.path.join(package_dir, "python_and_check_logo.gif"))
    images.append(os.path.join(package_dir, "zzzzz.gif"))
    images.append(os.path.join(package_dir, "python_and_check_logo.png"))
    images = [images, images, images, images, ]
    value = buttonbox(
        title="Second demo",
        msg="Now is a good time to press buttons and show images",
        choices=['ok', 'cancel'],
    print("Return: {}".format(value))

# REF:
def is_sequence(arg):
    return hasattr(arg, "__getitem__") or hasattr(arg, "__iter__")

def is_string(arg):
    ret_val = None
        ret_val = isinstance(arg, basestring) #Python 2
        ret_val = isinstance(arg, str) #Python 3
    return ret_val

[docs]def buttonbox(msg="", title=" ", choices=("Button[1]", "Button[2]", "Button[3]"), image=None, images=None, default_choice=None, cancel_choice=None, callback=None, run=True): """ Display a msg, a title, an image, and a set of buttons. The buttons are defined by the members of the choices global_state. :param str msg: the msg to be displayed :param str title: the window title :param list choices: a list or tuple of the choices to be displayed :param str image: (Only here for backward compatibility) :param str images: Filename of image or iterable or iteratable of iterable to display :param str default_choice: The choice you want highlighted when the gui appears :return: the text of the button that the user selected """ if image and images: raise ValueError("Specify 'images' parameter only for buttonbox.") if image: images = image bb = ButtonBox( msg=msg, title=title, choices=choices, images=images, default_choice=default_choice, cancel_choice=cancel_choice, callback=callback) if not run: return bb else: reply = return reply
class ButtonBox(object): """ Display various types of button boxes This object separates user from ui, defines which methods can the user invoke and which properties can he change. It also calls the ui in defined ways, so if other gui library can be used (wx, qt) without breaking anything for the user. """ def __init__(self, msg, title, choices, images, default_choice, cancel_choice, callback): """ Create box object Parameters ---------- msg : string text displayed in the message area (instructions...) title : str the window title choices : iterable of strings build a button for each string in choices images : iterable of filenames, or an iterable of iterables of filenames displays each image default_choice : string one of the strings in choices to be the default selection cancel_choice : string if X or <esc> is pressed, it appears as if this button was pressed. callback: function if set, this function will be called when any button is pressed. Returns ------- object The box object """ self.callback = callback self.ui = GUItk(msg, title, choices, images, default_choice, cancel_choice, self.callback_ui) def run(self): """ Start the ui """ ret_val = self._text self.ui = None return ret_val def stop(self): """ Stop the ui """ self.ui.stop() def callback_ui(self, ui, command): """ This method is executed when buttons or x is pressed in the ui. """ if command == 'update': # Any button was pressed self._text = ui.choice self._choice_rc = ui.choice_rc if self.callback: # If a callback was set, call main process self.callback(self) else: self.stop() elif command == 'x': self.stop() self._text = None elif command == 'cancel': self.stop() self._text = None # methods to change properties -------------- @property def msg(self): """Text in msg Area""" return self._msg @msg.setter def msg(self, msg): self._msg = self.to_string(msg) self.ui.set_msg(self._msg) @msg.deleter def msg(self): self._msg = "" self.ui.set_msg(self._msg) @property def choice(self): """ Name of button selected """ return self._text @property def choice_rc(self): """ The row/column of the selected button (as a tuple) """ return self._choice_rc # Methods to validate what will be sent to ui --------- def to_string(self, something): try: basestring # python 2 except NameError: basestring = str # Python 3 if isinstance(something, basestring): return something try: text = "".join(something) # convert a list or a tuple to a string except: textbox( "Exception when trying to convert {} to text in self.textArea" .format(type(something))) sys.exit(16) return text class GUItk(object): """ This is the object that contains the tk root object""" def __init__(self, msg, title, choices, images, default_choice, cancel_choice, callback): """ Create ui object Parameters ---------- msg : string text displayed in the message area (instructions...) title : str the window title choices : iterable of strings build a button for each string in choices images : iterable of filenames, or an iterable of iterables of filenames displays each image default_choice : string one of the strings in choices to be the default selection cancel_choice : string if X or <esc> is pressed, it appears as if this button was pressed. callback: function if set, this function will be called when any button is pressed. Returns ------- object The ui object """ self._title = title self._msg = msg self._choices = choices self._default_choice = default_choice self._cancel_choice = cancel_choice self.callback = callback self._choice_text = None self._choice_rc = None self._images = list() self.boxRoot = tk.Tk() # self.boxFont = tk_Font.Font( # family=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_FAMILY, # size=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_SIZE) self.boxFont = tk_Font.nametofont("TkFixedFont") self.width_in_chars = global_state.fixw_font_line_length # default_font.configure(size=global_state.PROPORTIONAL_FONT_SIZE) self.configure_root(title) self.create_msg_widget(msg) self.create_images_frame() self.create_images(images) self.create_buttons_frame() self.create_buttons(choices, default_choice) @property def choice(self): return self._choice_text @property def choice_rc(self): return self._choice_rc # Run and stop methods --------------------------------------- def run(self): self.boxRoot.mainloop() self.boxRoot.destroy() def stop(self): # Get the current position before quitting #self.get_pos() self.boxRoot.quit() # Methods to change content --------------------------------------- def set_msg(self, msg): self.messageArea.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.messageArea.delete(1.0, tk.END) self.messageArea.insert(tk.END, msg) self.messageArea.config(state=tk.DISABLED) # Adjust msg height self.messageArea.update() numlines = self.get_num_lines(self.messageArea) self.set_msg_height(numlines) self.messageArea.update() def set_msg_height(self, numlines): self.messageArea.configure(height=numlines) def get_num_lines(self, widget): end_position = widget.index(tk.END) # '4.0' end_line = end_position.split('.')[0] # 4 return int(end_line) + 1 # 5 def set_pos(self, pos): self.boxRoot.geometry(pos) def get_pos(self): # The geometry() method sets a size for the window and positions it on # the screen. The first two parameters are width and height of # the window. The last two parameters are x and y screen coordinates. # geometry("250x150+300+300") geom = self.boxRoot.geometry() # "628x672+300+200" global_state.window_position = '+' + geom.split('+', 1)[1] # Methods executing when a key is pressed ------------------------------- def x_pressed(self): self._choice_text = self._cancel_choice self.callback(self, command='x') def cancel_pressed(self, event): self._choice_text = self._cancel_choice self.callback(self, command='cancel') def button_pressed(self, button_text, button_rc): self._choice_text = button_text self._choice_rc = button_rc self.callback(self, command='update') def hotkey_pressed(self, event=None): """ Handle an event that is generated by a person interacting with a button. It may be a button press or a key press. TODO: Enhancement: Allow hotkey to be specified in filename of image as a shortcut too!!! """ # Determine window location and save to global # TODO: Not sure where this goes, but move it out of here! m = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)([-+]\d+)([-+]\d+)", self.boxRoot.geometry()) if not m: raise ValueError( "failed to parse geometry string: {}".format(self.boxRoot.geometry())) width, height, xoffset, yoffset = [int(s) for s in m.groups()] global_state.window_position = '{0:+g}{1:+g}'.format(xoffset, yoffset) # Hotkeys if self._buttons: for button_name, button in self._buttons.items(): hotkey_pressed = event.keysym if event.keysym != event.char: # A special character hotkey_pressed = '<{}>'.format(event.keysym) if button['hotkey'] == hotkey_pressed: self._choice_text = button_name self.callback(self, command='update') return print("Event not understood") # Auxiliary methods ----------------------------------------------- def calc_character_width(self): char_width = self.boxFont.measure('W') return char_width # Initial configuration methods --------------------------------------- # These ones are just called once, at setting. def configure_root(self, title): self.boxRoot.title(title) self.set_pos(global_state.window_position) # Resize setup self.boxRoot.columnconfigure(0, weight=10) self.boxRoot.minsize(100, 200) # Quit when x button pressed self.boxRoot.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.x_pressed) self.boxRoot.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel_pressed) self.boxRoot.iconname('Dialog') def create_msg_widget(self, msg): if msg is None: msg = "" self.messageArea = tk.Text( self.boxRoot, width=self.width_in_chars, state=tk.DISABLED, padx=(global_state.default_hpad_in_chars) * self.calc_character_width(), relief="flat", background=self.boxRoot.config()["background"][-1], pady=global_state.default_hpad_in_chars * self.calc_character_width(), wrap=tk.WORD, ) self.set_msg(msg) self.messageArea.grid(row=0) self.boxRoot.rowconfigure(0, weight=10, minsize='10m') def create_images_frame(self): self.imagesFrame = tk.Frame(self.boxRoot) row = 1 self.imagesFrame.grid(row=row) self.boxRoot.rowconfigure(row, weight=10, minsize='10m') def create_images(self, filenames): """ Create one or more images in the dialog. :param filenames: May be a filename (which will generate a single image), a list of filenames (which will generate a row of images), or a list of list of filename (which will create a 2D array of buttons. :return: """ if filenames is None: return # Convert to a list of lists of filenames regardless of input if is_string(filenames): filenames = [[filenames,],] elif is_sequence(filenames) and is_string(filenames[0]): filenames = [filenames,] elif is_sequence(filenames) and is_sequence(filenames[0]) and is_string(filenames[0][0]): pass else: raise ValueError("Incorrect images argument.") images = list() for _r, images_row in enumerate(filenames): row_number = len(filenames) - _r for column_number, filename in enumerate(images_row): this_image = dict() try: this_image['tk_image'] = ut.load_tk_image(filename) except Exception as e: print(e) this_image['tk_image'] = None this_image['widget'] = tk.Button( self.imagesFrame, takefocus=1, compound=tk.TOP) if this_image['widget'] is not None: this_image['widget'].configure(image=this_image['tk_image']) fn = lambda text=filename, row=_r, column=column_number: self.button_pressed(text, (row, column)) this_image['widget'].configure(command=fn) sticky_dir = tk.N+tk.S+tk.E+tk.W this_image['widget'].grid(row=row_number, column=column_number, sticky=sticky_dir, padx='1m', pady='1m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m') self.imagesFrame.rowconfigure(row_number, weight=10, minsize='10m') self.imagesFrame.columnconfigure(column_number, weight=10) images.append(this_image) self._images = images # Image objects must live, so place them in self. Otherwise, they will be deleted. def create_buttons_frame(self): self.buttonsFrame = tk.Frame(self.boxRoot) self.buttonsFrame.grid(row=2, column=0) def create_buttons(self, choices, default_choice): unique_choices = ut.uniquify_list_of_strings(choices) # Create buttons dictionary and Tkinter widgets buttons = dict() i_hack = 0 for row, (button_text, unique_button_text) in enumerate(zip(choices, unique_choices)): this_button = dict() this_button['original_text'] = button_text this_button['clean_text'], this_button['hotkey'], hotkey_position = ut.parse_hotkey(button_text) this_button['widget'] = tk.Button( self.buttonsFrame, takefocus=1, text=this_button['clean_text'], underline=hotkey_position) fn = lambda text=button_text, row=row, column=0: self.button_pressed(text, (row, column)) this_button['widget'].configure(command=fn) this_button['widget'].grid(row=0, column=i_hack, padx='1m', pady='1m', ipadx='2m', ipady='1m') self.buttonsFrame.columnconfigure(i_hack, weight=10) i_hack += 1 buttons[unique_button_text] = this_button self._buttons = buttons if default_choice in buttons: buttons[default_choice]['widget'].focus_force() # Bind hotkeys for hk in [button['hotkey'] for button in buttons.values() if button['hotkey']]: self.boxRoot.bind_all(hk, lambda e: self.hotkey_pressed(e), add=True) if __name__ == '__main__': demo_buttonbox_1() demo_buttonbox_2()